C-1000 with NTFactor®

$26.49 or $21.20 / month

C-1000 with NTFactor® – 100 Count

Powerful Tool For Your Health And Immunity

  • A superb antioxidant
  • Repairs cell damage*
  • Supports a healthy immune system*


A superb antioxidant | Repairs cell damage* | Supports a healthy immune system

Vitamin C is a well-known and effective antioxidant. When combined with our NTFactor® technology, it is a premier antioxidant. As an antioxidant, Vitamin C works to slow down the damage caused by free radicals, and may even prevent some. However, the combination of NTFactor® allows for the repair of cell damage* as well. C-1000 is a complex due to the fact that it has been combined with vitamin B to facilitate its travel through the body, and quercetin and bioflavanoids to boost the antihistamine effect. Buffered with Calcium, it is gentle on the body. Add the absorption and fatigue fighting power of NTFactor® and you have a powerful tool for your overall health and immunity.

Additional Information

Vitamin C was the first antioxidant discovered by scientists. It is a water-soluble vitamin with numerous biological functions. However, people do not have the ability to naturally produce vitamin C.

Vitamin C has several functions. It is required for the making of collagen, an important component of blood vessels, tendons, ligaments and bones. Vitamin C plays a key role in the formation of the neurotransmitter norepinephrine. Neurotransmitters are vital to normal brain function and can affect mood. Additionally, vitamin C is required for the body’s use of carnitine. Carnitine is a small molecule that is essential for the transport of fat to the mitochondria within each cell membrane, to convert fat to energy. For this to happen, the outside cell membrane, or lipid, must be functioning properly.

By itself, vitamin C is an effective antioxidant. Even in smaller amounts, it can protect cells in the body from damage caused by free radicals and reactive oxidative stress. Such damage can be caused by normal metabolism along with exposure to outside environmental toxins and stress. However, NTFactor® allows for the repair of any damage*. NTFactor® is the only technology scientifically proven able to do this.

Recent research by the Linus Pauling Institute of Oregon State University has suggested that vitamin C may play a role in many heart-related conditions, including high blood pressure, Angina, and the related risk of heart attack. Acting as an antioxidant, it functions to protect LDL cholesterol form oxidative damage. When LDL is damaged, cholesterol is seen to lead to heart disease. Vitamin C also appears to protect against heart disease in general by reducing the stiffness of arteries and the tendency of platelets to clump together.

It has also been seen as a means to reduce the deterioration of eye and kidney function in people with Type II Diabetes.

Vitamin C comes in two forms, Ascorbic Acid and Ascorbate. The most popular form is ascorbate. However ascorbate alone has been shown to cause stomach irritation. Buffered with calcium, the irritation is done away with.

The addition of vitamin B to any vitamin or nutritional supplement, allows it to act as a vacillator throughout the bloodstream, permitting the nutrient to travel through the body more easily. For this reason, we’ve included it in C-1000.

Supplement Facts
